Friday, August 11, 2017

Most Evil Villain- Book Lovers Blog Hop

Tweet: Who's voted the most evil villain? Book Bloggers Blog Hop shares our choices!
Today and tomorrow I am participating in the Book Lovers Blog Hop. During this blog hop every host gets to ask a group of authors some reading related questions. Today I'll be asking six authors who they think is the most evil villain. There are links at the end of this post to the rest of the Blog Hop days as well!

It can be pretty hard to nail down just how evil a bad guy is. Most baddies have a reason for doing what they are doing, even in some twisted way. To me, the most evil bad guy is one who takes away the humanity of a person, stripping them of the right to choose, the right to be different. IT in A Wrinkle In Time comes close for me. IT does this by telepathically taking over the victim's mind and forcing them to conform. To top all this off, IT isn't so easy to defeat completely either! (I love Villains that never completely go away!)

The mind is a delicate and valuable thing. The mind is what makes you, well... you. I've seen first hand what damage to a mind can do. Stripping a once hopeful person of all their dreams, making them forget things they once knew, altering their personality so they are no longer who they once were. Villains that toy with their victims mind, manipulating and/or damaging them in any way will always win the Most Evil Victim award in my opinion.

 What do you ladies think?

Brandy Potter -
Defining the most evil villain is hard to do. I think for me it comes down to motivation. For example Moriarty to me isn’t evil, he is just motivated by using his wits to gain what he wants. Then you have Sauron and Voldemort who are absolutely evil, but are they the MOST evil. Perhaps. Voldemort though is a “children’s” evil which fails to portray depravity. Sauron’s evil is masked by the other villains in the story who are concentrated on more. Except for maybe in the Silmarillion, but that is like reading the begats section of the bible for me, so I couldn’t choose him. So I took the road of choosing the character that made my skin crawl and found that it was none other than Jack the Ripper. In Alex Grecian’s The Devil’s Workshop he is portrayed as “Saucy Jack” another name that Scotland Yard gave to the notorious serial killer. He has rules, yes but the way his mind works is chilling… chilling. Coming in a close second is Dr. Peter Teleborian in Stig Larsen’s The Girl that shook The Hornet's Nest. To explain his evil is difficult because I could give away the ending and some would argue Nils Bjurman, Martin Vanger or even Zalachenko were more evil. All of them were chilling, but what Teleborian did to Lisbeth is appalling.

Jo Linsdell
There are so many evil villains out there who would easily merit the top spot, but I’m going to go with Ackerman from the Shepherd series by Ethan Cross. Father of Fear (the third book in the series) is when we see just how evil, and twisted this man really is. As far as serial killers go he is definitely at the top of the list with how much he enjoys torturing his victims. What makes him the most evil though is the experimenting he does on his own family. Ackerman Jr really didn’t have much of a chance with a father like that… and although he holds his own ranking in the evil villain list, he’s nothing compared to his father. 

Skye Hegyes
I think it’s safe to say that the most evil villain in the fictional world is someone everyone can hate with a passion that’s almost holy, and that’s Professor Dolores Umbridge. I mean, how can you not hate the evil little toad of a woman. She was specifically cruel to anyone who did not go along with her exact thoughts of how things should be done. Ugh! Monster!

Belinda Bekkers
I think Cruella del Vil from The Hundred and One Dalmations and Professor Moriarty from the Sherlock Holmes stories are pretty unbeatable. Pap in the Mosquito Coast is also evil.

Jebraun Clifford
Villains should be complicated and three-dimensional. They can’t just be bad because they’re bad. They’ve got to have a good motivation for what they do! To me, a terrible and chilling villain is the Queen in the Hall from Elizabeth Marie Pope’s The Perilous Gard because she doesn’t believe she is evil, she’s only doing what she must to keep her and her faerie folks’ way of life secure. There’s no reasoning with an antagonist like that! 

Just B. Jordan 
When I hear “most evil villain” my mind instantly goes to Sephiroth from Final Fantasy. (I know, they’re games, not books. Haha) In my childhood Sephiroth was the baddest bad guy out there. My brothers and I would have conversations about how cruelly evil he could be. I think in my mind he will always hold the Most Evil trophy. ;)

I have to go with One from Hexwood by Diana Wynne Jones. He’s this head of the galactic council who has extended his lifespan with various treatments to make sure he never has to pass his rule to anyone else. And he’s ruthlessly destroyed the descendents of the true reigning house, turning them into slaves and worse. No blood is shown, of course, but it’s very implied. I think the implications are so horrible because your mind gets to fill them in. The things he did to one of the heroes … I just shudder, even now. And he does it with a smile and completely friendly logic.

How about you, dear readers? Do you have a Villain that you love to hate? Leave a comment for all of us in the comments section below!

Book Lovers Blog Hop Schedule!

(Links are likely to not go live until the date of)

1st August
What are you reading this month? TBR list for August

What’s your favourite genre to read?

Where do you get your books?

Best read of 2017 so far?

Favourite author?

Favourite book cover design?

Preferred book format? (ebook, print, audio)

How do you organise your bookshelves ?

Favourite book to movie adaption?

Most evil villain?

What’s the best plot twist you’ve read?

13th August
Favourite fictional character?

14th August
Best fictional friendship?

15th August
Best book series?

16th August
Most thought provoking book you’ve read?

17th August
Top 3 books you think everyone should read

18th August 
Where do you post your reviews of books you’ve read?

19th August
What was the last book you gave a 5 star review?

20th August
Which book do you wish had a sequel?

21st August 
Which author would you most want to interview and why?

22nd August  
How often do you go to the library?

23rd August
Goodreads challenge/reading goal for this year? On track so far?

24th August 
Do your family/friends support your reading habit?

25th August 
Do you enter book giveaways? Last prize you won?

26th August 
Name a book that made you cry

27th August 
Do you write as well as read? Do you see yourself being an author in the future?

28th August
When did you get into reading?

29th August 
What do you do to get out of a reading slump?

30th August
If a genie were to grant you 3 bookish wishes, what would you ask for and why? 

31st August
Do you take part in readathons? Why? If yes, which are your favourites? 

Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Kosmos- A book by Jo Linsdell

Another of my favorite authors just started writing serial fiction! I love serial fiction! Bite sized fiction that you can read on the run! Bonus... it's about time travel! Forgive me while I geek out for a moment!

The Pendant (KOSMOS Episode One) is written by Jo Linsdell and is her very first published work of serial fiction! (Like... It JUST released TODAY!!) She's written many other non fiction books and written/illustrated numerous childrens books, all of which my children LOVED! Now that my children are too old for picture books I am sure they will love this one too- but they can't have it till I finish MY copy! ;)

(I will post a review later but as I am in college at the moment it may take me a bit before I have time to read it... maybe I should let my kids read it first! )


About the book:
Teenager Matthew Smith feels like his life is a mess. He keeps arguing with his mum, is being bullied at school, and worst of all has a crush on a girl who doesn't seem to even know he's alive. Just when he thinks things couldn't possibly get any worse he finds a strange pendant that changes his life forever.

KOSMOS is a serial fiction of 12 episodes.

(PLUS it's only $0.99! What a DEAL!! A "little birdy" even told me that the next one is titled "Gunpowder" O.o)

Here's the purchasing link if you are interested!:


I wondered how Jo decided to start writing serial fiction... here's what she had to say:

What made you want to write serial fiction?
I have a huge list of ideas for books I want to write but never seem to find the time to get round to. The story of KOSMOS was one of them. In 2016 I read a serial fiction called Remade and realised that my idea for KOSMOS would work perfectly as a series of short stories. It's also a fun way of experimenting with new genres.
Writing a full novel is a big task that takes a considerable amount of time. Writing short stories is much more manageable. I'm a big fan of writing challenges like NaNoWriMo and find they do wonders for my productivity. This year I decided to take part in the A Story A Week challenge, during which I'm writing the episodes of KOSMOS.

Here's some more information about the Author:

Jo Linsdell is the author of numerous books, including; How To Be Twittertastic, Virtual Book Tours: Effective Online Book Promotion From the Comfort of Your Own Home, Italian for Tourists, A Guide to Weddings in Italy, Out and About at the Zoo,  Fairy May and The Box. She is also the illustrator of the A Birthday Clown for Archer series (written by Kathy Mashburn) and the Jasmine Dreams series (written by Maria Rochelle).
She is the founder and CEO of Writers and Authors and Promo Day. Linsdell studied A-levels in Business Studies, History and Art and has won several awards in her career. She was named the Who's Who in the writing industry in 2009.

Connect with the author at

I've never been disappointed by Jo's books so I hope you will all go and check out her newest serial story!

Monday, July 25, 2016

Inspiration For A Sequel To The Alien Mind

No author is an island- or else we would be covered in sand and palm trees. Sounds like a nice vacation...

Anyhow, I do a lot of thinking, writing in my head, as well as listening to music on car rides. I'm slowly developing a list of songs that really help me formulate a more concrete picture of the emotions and scenarios in my stories. For those of you who are waiting for a sequel to The Alien Mind, it might be a while. Between my college work, housework, and doctors appointments for my eldest who has 22q deletion syndrome as well as a mental disability- yeah, my writing is coming along slowly.

In the meantime, I decided to develop a playlist on Youtube to collect each new song as I find one that works. The sequel is not yet titled.


If you've read The Alien Mind and know of a song that you think epitomizes something in the book- please share in the comments! I'm working on a playlist for that one too!

Island photo credit: Dominican-Republic - Island of Saona - a Palm tree in the wind via photopin (license)


Find The Alien Mind on Amazon!
Did you like this post? If so you might enjoy my book!

For adults and teens alike, it is truly a science fiction adventure for the whole family!

If you'd prefer an autographed copy straight from the author you can buy one here as well!
Autographed Copy:$13.00 + Shipping

"If you enjoy my writing, would you care to buy me a cup of coffee?"

Tip Options

Tuesday, July 5, 2016

UnBlocking My Site With Social Media Buttons

For those of you out there with websites I have a very interesting piece of info for you!

Originally I was using Social Media Button Maker to help me create the coding for the social media buttons on my website. That is until I started getting reports from Avast Users that they were getting blocked from my website!

After weeks of googling for a solution, I finally sent an e-mail to Avast to report to them that all other antivirus software (including Kaspersky) were reporting that my site was clean.

Avast sent me back a fast reply telling me that the Social Media Button Maker code (they actually sent me the erroneous piece of code to assist in me finding the problem) was why my website was getting blocked. Back to my backend to figure out why.

I pulled up my code for that widget and found a link INSIDE the code to a shifty hotel site! That was my tip off! I don't remember that being there before! So I deleted the Javascript and sat down to find better buttons and write the html myself. This sent me to a google search where I found ALL of my buttons (including the ones the button maker didn't offer) on WikiCommons! SCORE!

And here's what the buttons look like!:

website buttons
Buttons in use!
Just regular buttons! YAY!

Once I was finished I reported my fix to Avast and they promptly sent me a confirmation saying that my site would be taken off "blocked" in the next antivirus definition update! YAY!!!

Because I have so many friends that love building their own websites I figured I would offer the code here. They don't have counters, don't lag in loading, or do anything fancy. All you have to do is update the BOLDED links with your own social media links and paste the html where you need it on your site!

HTML Code for social buttons:

<div><a href="" style="font-size: 100%;"><img alt="WikiInstagram button" src="" style="border: 0; height: 42px; width: 42px;" / /></a><a href="" style="font-size: 100%;">  <img alt="Wikitwitter button" src="" style="border: 0; height: 42px; width: 42px;" / /> </a><a href="" style="font-size: 100%;"><img alt="Wikifacebook button" src="" style="border: 0; height: 42px; width: 42px;" / /> </a><a href="" style="font-size: 100%;"><img alt="WikiGplus button" src="" style="border: 1; height: 42px; width: 42px;" / /></a><a href="" style="font-size: 100%;"><img alt="Wikipinterest button" src="" style="border: 0; height: 42px; width: 42px;" / /></a><a href="" style="font-size: 100%;"><img alt="Wikiyoutube button" src="" style="border: 0; height: 42px; width: 42px;" / /></a><a href="" style="font-size: 100%;"><img alt="Wikigoodreads button" src="" style="border: 0; height: 42px; width: 42px;" / /></a><a href="" style="font-size: 100%;"><img alt="Wikiamazon button" src="" style="border: 0; height: 42px; width: 42px;" / /></a><a href="" style="font-size: 100%;"><img alt="Wikilinkedin button" src="" style="border: 0; height: 42px; width: 42px;" / /></a><a href="" style="font-size: 100%;"><img alt="WikiRSS button" src="" style="border: 0; height: 42px; width: 42px;" / /></a></div>

<end code>

Once again these codes are completely clean! Once you replace the bolded links with your own there will be no further link back to me at all ;) 

If you'd prefer to take out some of the buttons or perhaps re-order them... here's the breakdown:

<div><a href="" style="font-size: 100%;"><img alt="WikiInstagram button" src="" style="border: 0; height: 42px; width: 42px;" / /></a>

<a href="" style="font-size: 100%;">  <img alt="Wikitwitter button" src="" style="border: 0; height: 42px; width: 42px;" / /> </a>

<a href="" style="font-size: 100%;"><img alt="Wikifacebook button" src="" style="border: 0; height: 42px; width: 42px;" / /> </a>

<a href="" style="font-size: 100%;"><img alt="WikiGplus button" src="" style="border: 1; height: 42px; width: 42px;" / /></a>

<a href="" style="font-size: 100%;"><img alt="Wikipinterest button" src="" style="border: 0; height: 42px; width: 42px;" / /></a>

Youtube Profile:
<a href="" style="font-size: 100%;"><img alt="Wikiyoutube button" src="" style="border: 0; height: 42px; width: 42px;" / /></a>

<a href="" style="font-size: 100%;"><img alt="Wikigoodreads button" src="" style="border: 0; height: 42px; width: 42px;" / /></a>

Amazon Author Page:
<a href="" style="font-size: 100%;"><img alt="Wikiamazon button" src="" style="border: 0; height: 42px; width: 42px;" / /></a>

<a href="" style="font-size: 100%;"><img alt="Wikilinkedin button" src="" style="border: 0; height: 42px; width: 42px;" / /></a>

RSS Feed:
<a href="" style="font-size: 100%;"><img alt="WikiRSS button" src="" style="border: 0; height: 42px; width: 42px;" / /></a></div>

I hope this helps someone out there! Thanks for stopping by!

***"Improving, Non-stop"photo credit: Broadway via photopin (license)

Find The Alien Mind on Amazon!

Did you like this post? If so you might enjoy my book!

For adults and teens alike, it is truly a science fiction adventure for the whole family!

If you'd prefer an autographed copy straight from the author you can buy one here as well!
Autographed Copy:$13.00 + Shipping

"If you enjoy my writing, would you care to buy me a cup of coffee?"

Tip Options

Saturday, June 25, 2016

The Game Of Hunger Or Life

The Ramp
The Ramp
 Originally started by Lillie McFerrin, this week I have picked my own picture with which to challenge myself to write a 5 sentence story.

Here goes:

Winter was coming and hunger would soon be upon the country; it was time to play the game of life to count those who would be chosen to make the ultimate sacrifice. Walking to the edge of the ramp, three year old Publisher dropped the smooth stone ball and the crowd behind him held their breaths as they watched the ball roll down, down, down, the winding pathway into the cave at the bottom of the hill. The crowd waited in silence as the bowling pins in the cave were counted with the toll of a bell- one, two, three, four, five...meant five thousand. Henry turned toward his parents expecting praise and cheering, instead he found them crying into his Grandmother's shoulders. She was one of the 5000 who's number was up.

By the way? Did you find the secret word? 

This week's clue is: What kind of name is that?!

Based on the secret word, do you think you know what the secret phrase is? The secret phrase opens the first door which contains special secret goodies from Stacy Garrett who is currently trying to promote her new book The Door with an indigogo campaign . It truly is an amazing project that deserves to be supported! Gorgeous original photos illustrate this amazing fairytale story! You can find a list of other sites hosting other pieces of this week's secret phrase over on Stacy's facebook page or on "The Door" link on her website!

If you have figured out what this week's secret phrase is... enter it here and thanks for playing the game with us!:!the-door/tqu6j 

"The Ramp" photo credit: Aerial View via photopin (license)

Saturday, June 18, 2016

The Imposter

(My first attempt at sci-fi romance, pg-13 friendly- This is an experiment, I'd really appreciate if you'd let me know what you thought ;)

The breeze rustled the leaves on the trees while Talia focused in on every sound, listening for any indication of the return of her husband. Her knights would be stranded on this mercenary planet if they didn't fight their way through the ruins to the portal cave soon. She knew the solar flares would keep the portal inactive for another six weeks.

Talia breathed deep trying to loosen the knot in her throat. Something had gone wrong… she didn't want to abandon him...

A twig snapped underfoot. She turned to find Sir Richard, his concern leaking through his stoic gaze.

"Talia, we are running out of time, are we staying or making an attempt on the gate?" Sir Richard asked.

"We move, Daren knew when we had to leave, we've waited as long as we can." The authority in her voice crackled slightly.

Taking a moment to sweep her hair back up and don her white masked helmet, she waved her men forward and they crept down toward the stone ruins. The grass was slick under their combat boots. Little pieces of grass clung to their armored pants as they made their way forward.

Suddenly a cacophony of battle cries alerted them to their enemy’s presence within the ruins. Talia looked up just in time to see a figure dressed in a black from head to toe climb to the top of a rock wall in the midst of the ruins. He stood brandishing the mercenary flag at her approaching party.

Her husband had worn the mantle of the Black Knight, and here this imposter stood mocking her! Rage welled up within her, deafening her ears and narrowing her focus as she ran off after the scum. She didn’t stop as the enemy poured out from behind the stones attempting to surround her. Her knights, struggling to keep up with her, were already keeping them otherwise engaged. Nothing stood between her and the Black Knight imposter now!

Near the center of the ruins, the grass turned to voice which caked against her boots and spattered the hem of her white skirt. The scowl of disgust for this imposter deepened as the earthy smell of the voice assaulted her nose.

 The sound of a clearing throat caused her to whirl around, her sword held defensively in front of her.
“White Lady,” The man swept his sword free hand in a mock bow.

His mouth angled into an amused smirk and his eyes narrowed under the mask that hid the upper half of his face and hair. She lunged at him, momentarily surprising him with the rage that fueled the strength behind her sword.

“How DARE you take on his mantle you Evian scum!” Talia spat.

“You’ll regret your choice of words!” The black knight called over the sounds of battle before rushing again at her.

A few smooth movements of the wrist and the imposter had managed to disarm her, as only her husband had ever managed to do. She spared a fearful glance in the direction of her sword only to find it buried hilt high in the ground. Even if she made a desperate lunge she wouldn’t be fast enough.

The imposter in black advanced on Talia and within two steps her back met the damp stone wall. The Black Knight held the flat of his blade across her chest as his body moved in closer to pin her to the wall. She turned her chin away from the point of his sword as the warmth of his breath brushed against her cheek.

His free hand forced her face back towards his; his hand feeling like fire to her chilled skin. She glared at him but He leaned in any way to whisper close to her ear. Her mind raced frantically as she looked over his shoulder at the rest of her knights seemingly so far away, all locked in battle. There was no one to help her.

“I believe I warned you that you would regret your words…” The man in black purred his icy threat into her ear.

He backed off her chest slightly, giving her room once more to breathe.

His sword slipped down her chest and in one swift movement he took her face in both of his hands and pressed his mouth to hers forcefully. Talia froze. His sword fell between them and clattered off the top of her armored boots. Her mind whirled as his warmth, force, and the musky scent of his sweat coated armor assaulted her senses. The stubble on his face pricked her cheek snapping her back to her senses.

 Her shock and anger drove renewed adrenalin into her veins giving her the strength to shove back her attacker. She quickly bent to grab the Black Knight’s sword from her feet and thrust the sharpened end in his direction. Her aim faltered though. She had reached up in disgust to wipe his saliva from her mouth but as her fingertips paused at her lips she realized her mistake.
“Daren?” She choked.

The Black Knight smiled with relief as he tore off his masked helmet.

“I was afraid you weren’t going to recognize me,” He replied.

Talia dropped the sword and threw herself into his embrace.

“How’d you?” She stuttered.

“I couldn’t make it back without going through one of the mercenary encampments so I made them believe I was a turncoat who wanted to join their forces- then I got stationed to guard these ruins. I still don’t think they’ve even recognized me yet!”

Talia buried her face into Daren’s armored suit. “I was afraid we were going to have to leave you behind.”

Daren hugged her close one last time and then pulled her out at arm’s length, studying her. “How about we go give our guys a hand?” He suggested.

Talia shot him an impish grin. “These mercenary guards aren’t going to know what hit them!”

Daren retrieved Talia’s sword before they both charged back into the melee.

By the way? Did you find the secret word? 

This week's clue is: Look at the ground at the center of the ruins. Something's not right...

Based on the secret word, do you think you know what the secret phrase is? The secret phrase opens the first door which contains special secret goodies from Stacy Garrett who is currently trying to promote her new book The Door with an indigogo campaign . It truly is an amazing project that deserves to be supported! Gorgeous original photos illustrate this amazing fairytale story! You can find a list of other sites hosting other pieces of this week's secret phrase over on Stacy's facebook page or on "The Door" link on her website!

If you have figured out what this week's secret phrase is... enter it here and don't forget to come back next week for the next hint!:!the-door/tqu6j 

(Ruins photo credit: Baram ancient synagogue via photopin (license)

Saturday, June 11, 2016

Patricia's House Guests

Patricia was watching her neighbor's children for a few weeks during the summer. Alice and Jason hadn't had a vacation in a few years, she knew they'd appreciate her help.

"Whats a few weeks?" Patricia thought to herself as Benny, the littlest, proceeded to dig a hole in the middle of her favorite flower bed. "That'll be a bath tonight!" She mumbled to herself.

She picked up Benny and directed him to a clear section of dirt that didn't contain flowers before turning to check on the other two.

"What on earth are you doing?" Patricia asked Dot, the eldest, who was running around in circles with a stick she had found under the old oak tree. 

'If only a stick could solve all MY problems!' Patricia chuckled to herself.

A duck ran through Patricia's legs in a panic closely followed by Toby, the only blond one of the trio. The ducks all quacked frantically and lose feathers fluttered around the yard.

"Come now Toby! Don't scare the ducks so!" Patricia called.

Toby slowed down and turned to grin back at Patricia. Patricia rolled her eyes. It was so hard to stay upset with any of them! A bit of a breeze picked up and pulled at the edge of Patricia's wrap. Benny jumped up in surprise as the sound of distant thunder rolled across the sky. Dot, on the other hand, paid no mind to the approaching storm until the rain started to fall.

"We better go in guys!" Patricia called, throwing her wrap over her head as she ran toward the porch. Toby, Dot, and Benny swiftly ran after her, pausing for just a moment on the porch to shake the rain off of them before they followed patricia inside to dry off. 

Patricia passed around the towels to dry them off before all three curled up beside her on the couch to watch the rain make a mess of the yard. The ducks looked happy enough to have the puddles all to themselves. Toby followed their antics intently while making pictures on the window with his cold nose. Another round of thunder gently shook the house and Benny and Dot snuggled in closer. The rain continued to fall, she knew it wouldn't be long before the three of them would fall asleep... right here, in her lap.

"Maybe it would be nice to have some dogs of my own around here..." Patricia pondered. 

*(photo credit: rain and blue pot via photopin (license)

By the way? Did you find the secret word? 

This week's clue is: "It would be mean to call them dogs!"

Based on the secret word, do you think you know what the secret phrase is? The secret phrase opens the first door which contains special secret goodies from Stacy Garrett who is currently trying to promote her new book The Door with an indigogo campaign . It truly is an amazing project that deserves to be supported! Gorgeous original photos illustrate this amazing fairytale story! You can find a list of other sites hosting other pieces of this week's secret phrase over on Stacy's facebook page or on "The Door" link on her website!

If you have figured out what this week's secret phrase is... enter it here and don't forget to come back next week for the next hint!:!the-door/tqu6j 


This Week's News:  PDMI's Marketing Director called to let me know two days ago that the Hilton Head Island (SC) Barnes and Noble has ordered copies of my book to put on their shelves! I'm super stoked! This is the second Barnes and Noble confirmation I've received!  Just a reminder, I'll be at the Magnolia Mall Barnes and Noble in Florence SC on July 26th for a signing. Rumor has it that Rivi may even show up with me to take pictures with visitors!  

If any of you spot my book "The Alien Mind" out in the wild, please take a picture of it for me! I'd love to see how far it is going!