Thursday, October 4, 2018

Day 4 Explaining Visionary From The Stars with other book or movie titles

Exploring New Worlds Blog Challenge Day 4 Explain your story using only OTHER books or movie titles! You can join this challenge too! On a blog or on social media, whether you are a writer OR a reader! Just pick a favorite book off of your shelf (or a story you are currently writing) and click on the image below for info on how to join in on the fun!

I would describe Visionary From The Stars as a mix of Brian Jacques'  Redwall crossed with Star Trek or even Stargate.

Curious as to how others would describe their stories? While you are at it... Come check out others who are posting their Day 4 Blog Challenge as well!

Wednesday, October 3, 2018

Day 3 The Platonian's Favorite Song

Exploring New Worlds Blog Challenge Day 3 Find your bad guy's favorite song! You can join this challenge too! On a blog or on social media, whether you are a writer OR a reader! Just pick a favorite book off of your shelf (or a story you are currently writing) and click on the image below for info on how to join in on the fun!

The Platonians, specifically their Military Guild, are the Antagonists in my newest release Visionary From The Stars. They have spent so many years trying to stop others from finding the cylinder relics, it is a shame really. Many of their kind have become disenfranchised with the way the Military Guild has been doing things... they've taken to living in secret cities to escape being drafted into a battle they feel is unnecessary.

The Military Guild's most recent accomplishment has been simulating Exandra's legendary blizzard with the added effect of managing to knock out the human colony's electrical system. Therefore, this is currently their favorite song:

Ho Boy... awfully sure of themselves aren't they. They do end up blowing up a few ships with our friends onboard so... I think I'll step out of their way for now.

Interested? Come grab your copy of Visionary From The Stars Today!

While you are at it... Come check out others who are posting their Day 3 Blog Challenge as well!

Tuesday, October 2, 2018

Day 2 Laurie's Favorite Song

Exploring New Worlds Blog Challenge Day 2 Find your main character's favorite song! You can join this challenge too! On a blog or on social media, whether you are a writer OR a reader! Just pick a favorite book off of your shelf (or a story you are currently writing) and click on the image below for info on how to join in on the fun!

Laurie from my newest release Visionary From The Stars... I never really figured out what her favorite song is so I wandered over to You Tube to see what resonated with her character. She seems like she would really like this one:

Me: Laurie, can you tell us why you like this one?
Laurie: Sure, it works great as a memory exercise, trying to remember all the words to this one is challenging. I also like how they managed to weave all that history into just one song.

She's an odd kid lol.

If you are even remotely interested in ordering a copy of Visionary From The Stars for yourself you can find it here: Visionary From The Stars On Amazon!

While you are at it... Come check out others who are posting their Day 2 Blog Challenge as well!

Monday, October 1, 2018

Day1 A Song That Reminds Me of Visionary From The Stars

To kick off this month's Exploring New Worlds Blog Challenge, I will be trying to match my newest release to a song that reminds me of it. You can join this challenge too, whether you are a writer OR a reader- on your blog OR on social media! Just pick a favorite book off of your shelf (or a story you are currently writing) and click on the image below for info on how to join in on the fun!

 As I mentioned, this month I will be exploring my newest release, Visionary From The Stars... Oh Wait! You guys haven't seen the cover yet! Well today is your lucky day!

There you have it folks! A Shiny new cover!

Now, what song reminds me of Visionary? I have two...

This one probably because I was watching this series pretty seriously when I was doing the bulk of the story building for this book.

This one... Not sure, it has always resonated with me. It helped me get a handle (or as much of a handle as my earthbound self could possibly hope to get) on the helplessness an astronaut might feel in space when something goes wrong.


You can find Visionary From The Stars out on kindle today!!! 

While you are at it... Come check out others who are posting their Day 1 Blog Challenge as well!

Saturday, September 8, 2018

Day 8 Photos of your Book's Setting #ExploringNewWorlds

Exploring New Worlds Blog Challenge Day 8 Photos that remind you of your book's setting! You can join this blog challenge too, whether you are a writer OR a reader! Just pick a favorite book off of your shelf (or a story you are currently writing) and click on the image below for info on how to join in on the fun!

 My WIP is currently titled "The Sequel To The Alien Mind"- yes I know it needs a new title!

The Alien Mind is the first book in what is looking like what will end up being a ?four? book series (not sure yet- not finished). You can find out more about The Alien Mind here:

So... here are some photos that remind me of my book's setting... Thank you Pinterest!

Homes that remind me of the Aunantet villages:
Inspiration for the visualization of the Aunantet towns!

eco dome house-

This picture reminds me of Aun, which is mostly desert. This may be a photo filter but the sky looks like that on Aun too- sorta hazy yellow.

desert town (featured on #desert #california

Finding pictures that remind me of an alien planet are a little difficult. If I find more I will add them later on but for now I'll just leave them as is.

While you are at it... Come check out others who are posting their Day 8 Blog Challenge as well!

Friday, September 7, 2018

Day 7 Photos That Remind Me Of My Antagonist

Exploring New Worlds Blog Challenge Day 7 Photos That Remind Me Of The Protagonist! You can join this blog challenge too, whether you are a writer OR a reader! Just pick a favorite book off of your shelf (or a story you are currently writing) and click on the image below for info on how to join in on the fun!

 My WIP is currently titled "A Mind Broken, Second book in The Alien Mind series"

The Alien Mind is the first book in what is looking like what will end up being a ?four? book series (not sure yet- not finished). You can find out more about The Alien Mind here:

And so here it is...
Pictures that remind me of my protagonist:

Daniel: "This BENCH!"
Me: Why?
Daniel: Those were the only pieces of furniture in the cell the Aruk held Rivi and I in. I got so sick of sleeping on that bench... I can't even sit on the benches in my parents garden now.
Me: You sit outside talking with Rivi all the time...
Daniel: Thats different...

Image result for smooth metal bench
Rivi: This hallway reminds me of the Aruk facilities. They always have plain smooth walls, makes it easier to get lost when trying to escape.

Related image

Me: An image that reminds me of the Aruk's destructive power... The way all of planet Aun looked after they sent Daniel there:

Daniel: I did that?
Me: .... *Spoilers*...

UGH! So depressing... Tomorrow should be better!
While we are waiting... Come check out others who are posting their Day 7 Blog Challenge as well!

Thursday, September 6, 2018

Day 6 Photos that remind me of my main character

Exploring New Worlds Blog Challenge Day 3 Photos That Remind Me Of The Main Character! You can join this blog challenge too, whether you are a writer OR a reader! Just pick a favorite book off of your shelf (or a story you are currently writing) and click on the image below for info on how to join in on the fun!

 My WIP is currently titled "A Mind Broken, Second book in The Alien Mind series"

The Alien Mind is the first book in what is looking like what will end up being a ?four? book series (not sure yet- not finished). You can find out more about The Alien Mind here:

And so here it is...
Pictures that remind me of my main character:

The first would be the cover of the first book:

The Alien Mind Cover
I designed this cover to be an image of Rivi, which was as close as I could get without finding and hiring an actual look alike model.

Her hair is stick straight, unlike mine.
Image result for straight brown hair

Here's a picture that could easily be Rivi:

Rivi when I make her mad.
Rivi: You mean like the time you made him misunderstand me and he flew off mad and got captured?!
Me: Yup, this is the look I imagined you giving me.

Rivi: If you don't bring him back before the end of this book that LOOK is going to be the least of your problems!

Me: (Told you she's mad at me)

This is how I picture Rivi when I have her in a major project surrounded by a bunch of problems.
Rivi: I'm not keen on putting my hair back though.
Image result for girls in electrical engineering
Daniel: She DOES get that intense look though! ♡

Image result for electricity memes

Rivi thinks this meme is funny... she's met my cat, Whiskers, and wants to try it on him.
Me: So THATS why my cat never wants to sit with me while I'm writing?!

Image result for computer engineering memes
Rivi: Just No... The tingle of electricity is how you fry that computer you are licking -.-

Daniel: I'm next!

WOW! Dan I found your twin!

Image result for teen boy crying

That look is the same look I imagined you giving Rivi during your argument.
Rivi:... Ow... yeah thats the look.
Daniel: You had to bring THAT up... I thought this was going to be fun?

Me: Ok... sorry...

But not sorry, you get to become the villain in this book Dan.

Image result for teen boy crying
Daniel:   O.o   wait? WHAT? Whatever did I do to you?!
Rivi: .....

Me: and then you come back broken
Image result for teen boy crying

How all of this ends is completely up to you.

Daniel: ....

Rivi: When we said write a sequel this wasn't what we had in mind!

Daniel: (still)...

Me: Oh great, now neither of them is talking to me now. Sigh.

While we are waiting... Come check out others who are posting their Day 6 Blog Challenge as well!