Wednesday, April 22, 2015

S: Rhonda The Schlemiel- Flash Fiction

Today I find myself wrapped up in School Meetings, 4k registration paperwork, and now IV therapy with my oldest. A bit busy today... it's late, and the laptop lights up the hospital room enough so that my eldest can't sleep so I have to hurry. Instead of science fiction... how about some character exercise today.

Today's S word was a challenge given to me by yesterday's blog visitor. I'd never heard of the word so bare with me as I try to pull together a story around it.


Rhonda dealt in absolutes. Things were "always this, or always that". Nothing was ever half way or only sometimes.

"I always have nightmares." She would complain to her mom. "All the kids at school pick on me."

In the early years, her mom was genuinely worried. Who always has nightmares? Who goes to school and can't find at least one friendly person? 

It wasn't until Rhonda came home complaining that she never gets desert at school that her mom really started to dig deeper.

"Why didn't you get desert today?" 

"Because they were all out."

"But didn't you tell me yesterday that you had a brownie?"


"Well then you are not a total schlemiel are you?" Mom said.

"A What?" Rhonda asked in confusion as her mom laughed.

Rhonda's mom gasped for breath between her laughter.

"A schlemiel is someone who is totally unlucky and nothing ever goes right for them." Rhonda's mom explained.

"Yeah, I guess so." Rhonda agreed.

"Would you like a popsicle?" Mom asked.

"YEAH!" Rhonda jumped up and down with excitement.

Today's post was also inspired by the letter S. S is for: schlemiel    as part of the Blogging from A to Z April 2015 challenge! Click on the letter to join on in the fun!

Every day (excluding sundays) I will be writing a post about something that begins with the letter for that day. Most of the time you will find a sci-fi flash fiction piece here.

For Readers: Have you ever felt completely unlucky? Tell us about something someone did that helped you feel better?


Find The Alien Mind on Amazon!

Did you like this post? If so you might enjoy my book!

For adults and teens alike, it is truly a science fiction adventure for the whole family!

If you'd prefer an autographed copy straight from the author you can buy one here as well!
Autographed Copy:$13.00 + Shipping

R: Rivi's Future- Flash Fiction

Apparently R is for Rivi today, because the young lady won't vacate my head and is BEGGING me to get to work on the second part of her story. Chill! Lets get the first one taken care of first!  

(Ps- for those of you who are in the Concord NC area and are coming to ConCarolinas at the end of May... I have been told by PDMI Publishing that The Alien Mind (the first book) is right on track for me to be able to bring copies with me. I am so excited! It looks awesome so far!)

In the meantime I'd like to give you a peek of what is going into the second book... Ps- As I am still in the rough draft stage, this scene may or may not stay, I have not decided yet.

Rivi opened her eyes and placed a hand on the edge of the patient's cot to steady herself. The world around her seemed to be spinning, with her at its center. Feeling slightly nauseated, she shook her groggy head and the world soon steadied itself. She looked up across the cot and the patient lying there to discover that there were five healers of different species looking at her in shock.

Rivi frowned and looked up at Dan who was also coming to. He watched absently as the Gront patient laying on the cot in front of him slowly awoke. The blisters and boils on his face slowly disappeared, and the Gront sat up as if nothing were wrong. 

Dan continued staring blankly at the cot.

“How do you feel?” one of the Aunantet healers asked.

“I feel fine. Thanks! The Gront replied as he jumped off the cot and ran out of the tent.

“Dan?” Rivi queried, still watching him.

Dan blinked his eyes and turned to look at her. A smile spread across his face.

“Huh? Oh, I'm fine. I'd best get back to work,” He replied with a laugh.

“Go ahead, you! Just don't scare me like that again,” Rivi exclaimed, laughing, pushing him playfully on the shoulder.

She shook her head as he laughed. Still feeling a bit dazed, she walked out of the healers’ tent and stumbled over the blackened ground of the Gront's home world. A cloudy sky cast dark shadows over everything. Rivi found a short rock wall nearby and sat down, trying to figure out what just happened. Rivi looked up and saw the comp amalgamator from the desk coming over to her.

“Hey, how are you feeling?”

“I'm feeling … confused. Your name is Etok, right,” Rivi stated, querying the Aunantet's personal computer, discovering also that Etok was only a year older than she was.

“Yeah. How did you do … Whatever you did in there?” Etok asked, looking at Rivi questioningly.

“I don't know. I'm not a healer, so I didn't think I'd be able to help much in the first place. I just thought I'd go and at least stand with him. It just seemed like to right thing for me to do, as his friend, but then—I don't know—it just happened. I was able to help him just like he was able to help me with a computer virus a few years ago.”

“Rivinaig, things like that don't ‘just happen,’” Etok protested. “Comp amalgamators can't join with healers and certainly not in the middle of a healing. Furthermore, it is very rare for a healer to be able to join with a comp amalgamator while they are working with their computer, much less enter the amalgamator's mind to help them with a computer virus.”

“Look, I can't explain it,” Rivi admitted, looking up at Etok. “I just know what happened.”

“The two of you must be pretty close friends to be able to help each other like that,” Etok said as she sat down beside Rivi.

“We've been friends for about three years. We've gone through a lot together. Something like this is nothing compared to the Aruk.”

Today's post was also inspired by the letter R. R is for: Rivi   as part of the Blogging from A to Z April 2015 challenge! Click on the letter to join on in the fun!

Every day (excluding sundays) I will be writing a post about something that begins with the letter for that day. Most of the time you will find a sci-fi flash fiction piece here.

For Readers:  I know this isn't exactly flash fiction... yesterday and today were really busy days for me so I had to find substitutes. I am hoping to have some more breathing time tomorrow. Only 8 days left to the challenge!

Would you like to give me a random S word (I'll pick one per person) to add into tomorrow's story?


Find The Alien Mind on Amazon!

Did you like this post? If so you might enjoy my book!

For adults and teens alike, it is truly a science fiction adventure for the whole family!

If you'd prefer an autographed copy straight from the author you can buy one here as well!
Autographed Copy:$13.00 + Shipping

Monday, April 20, 2015

Q: Ask V.L. Jennings Some Questions

Ok... today, because I have a MILLION things to do... (like not quite seriously but it feels like it)

My To -Do list:

-Run through edits on The Alien Mind, now that they are back from editing (will take a few days)
-Grocery shopping (Done)
-Find a general contractor who can repair our gutted house (long story, pipes burst in attic over winter and had to be gutted down to the studs) - Got this done!
-Find someone to mow the lawn at our old house (the gutted one) - not yet done
-Run to post office to return a purchase- (done)
-Drop book off at library (done)
-Stop by bank (done)
- Oh and yes Jo your formatting request is on my mind- will get to that asap promise ;)
-Prepare for oldest Kiddo's IEP meeting (thanks to friends and various groups on facebook I think I am ready)
-Take trash off to dump site. (done)

-Oh and also write up something for Q today- EEP! This is just today folks... Tuesday and Wednesday will be just as hectic!

Anyhow...since I really should get to editing, today I am inviting you all to ask ME a question. Go ahead Fire Away! (Please just keep them clean though)

Getting to know you questions:

*Who was the first person who you cared more about their well being than your own?

 First person? Hmm- I can't say for sure but I have a distinct memory of chasing my sister down the road when she was like one or two- somehow she managed to open the screen door all by herself. I won't name names here :P 

*What vivid memory do you have skipping school? 

Never skipped...not without my parents taking me out of course.

*What is the most played song in your music library?

 I don't have a music library... I have my radio and youtube. Jason Gray's Remind Me Who I Am is one of my big favorites when I just need to feel some music.

*When you are under stress, do you prefer to be alone or do you seek comfort in friends? 

Depends on the stress- but MOSTLY I prefer to be with friends... just let me vent- I know you can't fix it but it helps me figure things out ;)

*What do your actions today say about your priorities ? 

Huh? Um... I dunno- you look at the to-do list and tell me lolol.

*What is the most important room in the house?

What kind of question is this? This depends on what needs doing. Hungry? I bet you will really love that kitchen. Sleepy, then the bedroom is for you. Me- I do most of my work and play on my computer either offline or online so maybe the livingroom is my favorite? *shrugs* (actually no- I have the BEST bed in the whole world- if I could move my computer there I would never leave lol)

*When you pack for a trip, do you pack light or heavy?

I almost always over pack... I start packing a month before hand if I am REALLY excited. Either that or I am making up packing lists lol.

*What vivid memories do you have of spent time with your grandparents?

Playing Yatzee with grandma, Grandpa making icecream cones. Nana taking us camping.

*What TV re-run do you sit down to watch whenever it is on?

Doctor Who, Smallville

*What movie can you quote word for word?

Please don't judge - Little Mermaid -.-

What technology scares you?

AI probably- I like my computers taking commands thank you.

Where are your ticklish spots?

Its less about the where and more about the how... Sometimes even a normal touch to my back can tickle -.- I'm weird I know.

Today's post was also inspired by the letter Q. Q is for: Questions   as part of the Blogging from A to Z April 2015 challenge! Click on the letter to join on in the fun!

Every day (excluding sundays) I will be writing a post about something that begins with the letter for that day. Most of the time you will find a sci-fi flash fiction piece here.

For Readers:  Go ahead- ask me anything!

Saturday, April 18, 2015

P: Catalaide's Purple Miracle- Flash Fiction

ShawlThe running lights of Catalaide Station glittered off of the shimmering rings of dust that encircled Saturn. A shining diamond in a sea of glitter. Ignoring the view, Inspector Cade poured over his reports while his ship docked with the station. The ‘blessed station’ is what the locals called it. Its reputation was reaching so far that shuttle tickets to get here had reached astronomical prices. His job was to find out why.

 Ignoring his pilot’s protests on social courtesies, Inspector Cade picked up his briefcase and left the shuttle as soon as the airlock seal hissed. He learned long ago that he would find out more about a place than he would if he had announced his arrival. He turned down a short hallway and headed toward the center of the station. As he neared the elevator doors he brushed the wrinkles out of his jacket, straightened his tie, and looked at his watch.

 Great! I’m late! 

 The elevator took him down to level 7. Deep organ music trickled in through the doors and Cade took a deep preparing breath before the doors swished open. Light, music, singing and prayers filled the room that Inspector Cade walked into. Hundreds of people and no chairs, or aisles. Cade politely made his way to the front of the room to see what all the commotion was about.

 He couldn't believe what he saw as he neared the front of the throng. A purple shawl, surrounded by fog, hung in midair swaying ever so slightly. No one was holding it, no one touched it.

 “This is what people are paying their entire life’s wages to come see?” Inspector Cade asked a woman to his left. 

“Oh yes Sir! Isn't it amazing? It’s a miracle!” The spry young woman responded.

 “Is it always there or does someone take it down?” Inspector Cade prodded.

 “Oh no sir! No one touches it,” The woman answered, her blonde curls swaying as she shook her head in objection to his question. “It disappears before lunch and doesn't come back till next Sunday.”

 Inspector Cade looked around the room and noticed a large mirror hanging above the elevator doors.

 What an odd place to put a mirror.

 He stayed there till almost noon watching the purple shawl floating in the fog. Inspector Cade walked around the room, talking to different people, asking questions about the shawl. A few mentioned some rumors of miracles that had happened in the room, but most said the same thing. The fog collects, the shawl appears and stays for a few hours and then disappears again right before the fog dissipates.

 Convenient. Inspector Cade considered the location of the mirror again.

 Later after the fog had dissipated and the people all left the Inspector turned off his gravity boots and floated up to inspect the ceiling. It wasn't long before he found the small projector unit aimed down at the mirror.

 Just as I suspected... it’s all an illusion!

Today's post was inspired by the letter P. P is for: Purple  as part of the Blogging from A to Z April 2015 challenge! Click on the letter to join on in the fun!

Every day (excluding sundays) I will be writing a post about something that begins with the letter for that day. Most of the time you will find a sci-fi flash fiction piece here.

This post is ALSO part of the 52 week flash fiction challenge on facebook
Week 4 word prompt: Shawl
Word Limit: 20- 500
This one tops out right at 496 words.

Thanks for reading!

For Readers:  Would you expose the illusion or would you let the people continue in their delusion?

-> photo credit: Shawl via photopin (license) <-

Friday, April 17, 2015

O: Transporting Octopi- Flash Fiction

P4181541Teddy dropped the gushing hose over the top edge of a tank so large it almost filled the entire room. 

"I TOLD the boss that it would be a hassle trying to transport this 8 tentacled beast on board a star ship," Joe grumbled.

"They are transplanting him on that planet they are terraforming right?"

"Yeah, his mate is traveling on the Ordova."

"Oh gee, he better like his mate then, not much choice!"

->photo credit: P4181541 via photopin (license) <-

This is 5 Sentence Fiction. Originally started by Lillie McFerrin, today I chose to find a picture and use a word of my own.

Today's post was also inspired by the letter O. O is for: Octopus  as part of the Blogging from A to Z April 2015 challenge! Click on the letter to join on in the fun!

Every day (excluding sundays) I will be writing a post about something that begins with the letter for that day. Most of the time you will find a sci-fi flash fiction piece here.

For Readers:  What's your view on moving animals to help repopulate areas- or even other planets?

Thursday, April 16, 2015

N: Nine Pizzas - Flash Fiction

Village Pizzeria Pizza
"My very educated mother just served us nine pizzas, they are waiting upstairs in the dinning room."

Fred paused the game on the xbox before looking up at Andrew in confusion.

"There's only two of us, how come she bought nine?"

Andrew shrugged before plopping down on the couch beside Fred and taking over the second controller.

"Don't let her hear you complain but apparently mom is in rebellion over the whole, Pluto no longer being a planet thing."

->photo credit: Village Pizzeria Pizza via photopin (license) <-

This is 5 Sentence Fiction. Originally started by Lillie McFerrin, today I chose to find a picture and use a word of my own.

Today's post was also inspired by the letter N. N is for: Nine  as part of the Blogging from A to Z April 2015 challenge! Click on the letter to join on in the fun!

Every day (excluding sundays) I will be writing a post about something that begins with the letter for that day. Most of the time you will find a sci-fi flash fiction piece here.

For Readers:  Were you upset over Pluto not being a planet? What sorts of Pizza do you like?

M: Spaced Out Mushrooms -Flash Fiction

Jack popped some chunks of fresh vegetables into the dicer and in moments a freshly chopped salad was ready to be poured into his ziplock bag of dressing.

Mark shut the airlock behind him as he floated into the station's living quarters module.

 "Man, either someone down there is trying to play a joke or we got a really trippy shipment of stuff on that shuttle today." 

Jack scooped a fresh chunk of salad all stuck together with dressing out of the bag and savored the bite.

"Um, Jack those mushrooms weren't THAT kind of mushroom!"

This is 5 Sentence Fiction. Originally started by Lillie McFerrin, today I chose to find a picture and use a word of my own.

Today's post was also inspired by the letter M. M is for: Mushroom  as part of the Blogging from A to Z April 2015 challenge! Click on the letter to join on in the fun!

Every day (excluding sundays) I will be writing a post about something that begins with the letter for that day. Most of the time you will find a sci-fi flash fiction piece here.

For Readers:  If you could send an astronaut on the international space station any one item, what would you send them?