Showing posts with label Social Media. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Social Media. Show all posts

Tuesday, July 5, 2016

UnBlocking My Site With Social Media Buttons

For those of you out there with websites I have a very interesting piece of info for you!

Originally I was using Social Media Button Maker to help me create the coding for the social media buttons on my website. That is until I started getting reports from Avast Users that they were getting blocked from my website!

After weeks of googling for a solution, I finally sent an e-mail to Avast to report to them that all other antivirus software (including Kaspersky) were reporting that my site was clean.

Avast sent me back a fast reply telling me that the Social Media Button Maker code (they actually sent me the erroneous piece of code to assist in me finding the problem) was why my website was getting blocked. Back to my backend to figure out why.

I pulled up my code for that widget and found a link INSIDE the code to a shifty hotel site! That was my tip off! I don't remember that being there before! So I deleted the Javascript and sat down to find better buttons and write the html myself. This sent me to a google search where I found ALL of my buttons (including the ones the button maker didn't offer) on WikiCommons! SCORE!

And here's what the buttons look like!:

website buttons
Buttons in use!
Just regular buttons! YAY!

Once I was finished I reported my fix to Avast and they promptly sent me a confirmation saying that my site would be taken off "blocked" in the next antivirus definition update! YAY!!!

Because I have so many friends that love building their own websites I figured I would offer the code here. They don't have counters, don't lag in loading, or do anything fancy. All you have to do is update the BOLDED links with your own social media links and paste the html where you need it on your site!

HTML Code for social buttons:

<div><a href="" style="font-size: 100%;"><img alt="WikiInstagram button" src="" style="border: 0; height: 42px; width: 42px;" / /></a><a href="" style="font-size: 100%;">  <img alt="Wikitwitter button" src="" style="border: 0; height: 42px; width: 42px;" / /> </a><a href="" style="font-size: 100%;"><img alt="Wikifacebook button" src="" style="border: 0; height: 42px; width: 42px;" / /> </a><a href="" style="font-size: 100%;"><img alt="WikiGplus button" src="" style="border: 1; height: 42px; width: 42px;" / /></a><a href="" style="font-size: 100%;"><img alt="Wikipinterest button" src="" style="border: 0; height: 42px; width: 42px;" / /></a><a href="" style="font-size: 100%;"><img alt="Wikiyoutube button" src="" style="border: 0; height: 42px; width: 42px;" / /></a><a href="" style="font-size: 100%;"><img alt="Wikigoodreads button" src="" style="border: 0; height: 42px; width: 42px;" / /></a><a href="" style="font-size: 100%;"><img alt="Wikiamazon button" src="" style="border: 0; height: 42px; width: 42px;" / /></a><a href="" style="font-size: 100%;"><img alt="Wikilinkedin button" src="" style="border: 0; height: 42px; width: 42px;" / /></a><a href="" style="font-size: 100%;"><img alt="WikiRSS button" src="" style="border: 0; height: 42px; width: 42px;" / /></a></div>

<end code>

Once again these codes are completely clean! Once you replace the bolded links with your own there will be no further link back to me at all ;) 

If you'd prefer to take out some of the buttons or perhaps re-order them... here's the breakdown:

<div><a href="" style="font-size: 100%;"><img alt="WikiInstagram button" src="" style="border: 0; height: 42px; width: 42px;" / /></a>

<a href="" style="font-size: 100%;">  <img alt="Wikitwitter button" src="" style="border: 0; height: 42px; width: 42px;" / /> </a>

<a href="" style="font-size: 100%;"><img alt="Wikifacebook button" src="" style="border: 0; height: 42px; width: 42px;" / /> </a>

<a href="" style="font-size: 100%;"><img alt="WikiGplus button" src="" style="border: 1; height: 42px; width: 42px;" / /></a>

<a href="" style="font-size: 100%;"><img alt="Wikipinterest button" src="" style="border: 0; height: 42px; width: 42px;" / /></a>

Youtube Profile:
<a href="" style="font-size: 100%;"><img alt="Wikiyoutube button" src="" style="border: 0; height: 42px; width: 42px;" / /></a>

<a href="" style="font-size: 100%;"><img alt="Wikigoodreads button" src="" style="border: 0; height: 42px; width: 42px;" / /></a>

Amazon Author Page:
<a href="" style="font-size: 100%;"><img alt="Wikiamazon button" src="" style="border: 0; height: 42px; width: 42px;" / /></a>

<a href="" style="font-size: 100%;"><img alt="Wikilinkedin button" src="" style="border: 0; height: 42px; width: 42px;" / /></a>

RSS Feed:
<a href="" style="font-size: 100%;"><img alt="WikiRSS button" src="" style="border: 0; height: 42px; width: 42px;" / /></a></div>

I hope this helps someone out there! Thanks for stopping by!

***"Improving, Non-stop"photo credit: Broadway via photopin (license)

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Monday, August 17, 2015

How To Share Your Friends Blog Posts To Facebook and Twitter

Ripples In A Social Media Pond

Testing to help share my friends RSS Feeds. Since I already share most of them anyway this should help take the 'work' out of it. Please don't judge, I'm starting school full time for my associates degree in electronics engineering technology tomorrow and really need to find ways to streamline what I already do. ;)

So to all my friends out there who I already help by sharing their blog posts because I honestly LOVE your blogs... you will not be forgotten as I get busier! Promise!

I'd love to say this brilliant idea is mine... but yeah, it is so totally NOT! Instead it comes from a friend of mine, Michelle Shaeffer. I tried hootsuite as she recommended so I could connect the rss feeds to facebook but found that hootsuite will only let you do two for free... I have a good handful of friends that I routinely try to share. :( So hunting for an answer I went. Hence the test blog post to test out ;)

Hold tight... I'll update the bottom of this post if it works the way I want it to!

***photo credit: Broadway via photopin (license)

 It works!!!... er well sort of...

For those wondering... I had "entry author" "Entry content" and "Entry image url" chosen ... apparently it took me literally...

I  wanted to show the author and the description using the image on the blog post (NOT my website header banner) -.-

Back to tweaking...