About Author V.L. Jennings

When V.L. Jennings isn't traveling to other worlds through her imagination, she calls Dillon County, South Carolina her home. She was born in Nashua, New Hampshire in 1987 and is the author of two science fiction novels; "The Alien Mind" (which is the recipient of the Readers Favorite Five Star Review Award), and "Visionary From The Stars". Through her writing, she enjoys trying to figure out what our human potential is, and where our innate desire for a better world could lead us.

Because of this, she wasn't surprised when her own characters interest in fixing things and interest in electrical circuitry inspired her to go back to college. V.L. Jennings attended Florence-Darlington Technical College to earn her Associates Degree before moving on to University of Arkansas Grantham to finish her Bachelors in Electronic Engineering Technology and graduated in 2023 Summa Cum Laude. She now works as an Associate Project Engineer for ABB and loves solving problems that come her way.

In her free time Virginia enjoys watching geeky television shows with her family over dinner. Some of her favorites are: Doctor Who, Star Trek, Flash, Legends, Super Girl, Good Doctor, Orville, and shows from the Star Wars universe. On the weekends, you may even find Virginia and her family at the local comic book store or watching the latest sci-fi and action movies. She also tries to spend some of her free time writing flash fiction on her blog and reading books of various genre's.

Want a look inside her mind? Check out this Feature on Amazing Stories!

You can find out more about V.L. Jennings here at www.virginialorijennings.com.

You can also find V.L. Jennings on any of these social media sites!

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Would you like to contact Virginia? 

It is faster to reach me via facebook messenger @vljennings

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