Thursday, April 16, 2015

N: Nine Pizzas - Flash Fiction

Village Pizzeria Pizza
"My very educated mother just served us nine pizzas, they are waiting upstairs in the dinning room."

Fred paused the game on the xbox before looking up at Andrew in confusion.

"There's only two of us, how come she bought nine?"

Andrew shrugged before plopping down on the couch beside Fred and taking over the second controller.

"Don't let her hear you complain but apparently mom is in rebellion over the whole, Pluto no longer being a planet thing."

->photo credit: Village Pizzeria Pizza via photopin (license) <-

This is 5 Sentence Fiction. Originally started by Lillie McFerrin, today I chose to find a picture and use a word of my own.

Today's post was also inspired by the letter N. N is for: Nine  as part of the Blogging from A to Z April 2015 challenge! Click on the letter to join on in the fun!

Every day (excluding sundays) I will be writing a post about something that begins with the letter for that day. Most of the time you will find a sci-fi flash fiction piece here.

For Readers:  Were you upset over Pluto not being a planet? What sorts of Pizza do you like?


  1. Fun! I'm glad the A-Z challenge led me here today to find your post. I was indeed disappointed when Pluto got demoted. And my fave pizza is pepperoni and onions. Not sure I could handle nine of them though. :-)

    1. Oh! Pepperoni and onions! I have to try that! (not nine though! lol)
      Thanks for stopping by!

  2. HA! Very good rebellion for Pluto not getting full planetary rights. I like the 5 sentence flash fiction idea.

  3. Thanks for stopping by Hart Johnson! 5 Sentence Fiction is really fun- sorta like writing a poem, but in story form ;)
